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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-11-04 00:20:52

people are starting to notice my arm. its strange, i never noticed before how everyone says "goodness, what did you do to yourself?" they dont know what they say. one girl made it quite witty. another said it looks like you got clawed by a cat and the girl replied, she is a cat. how true. like nick said, "you cant kick yourself! you are my cat, blood hiccup, from a past life!"

i found more scabs on the back of my neck where i dug in my nails. not only must i wear long sleeves, i must keep my hair down too around the house.

tonight tony came back and visited me. he brought his friend steve. it was so good to see them again. its so nice to have friends to just hang out with and have fun. especially when youve just met them and still feel sooo comfy around them. he could have sworn he knew me from somewhere else, and who knows? maybe he does. at least its guaranteed that i will see him again, he has one of my cds and we have pictures of each other too. and its neat to think about how long tony and i have known each other. ever since freshman year at jasons party.

politically incorrect is on tv now, or whatever the name of the show is. its interesting because i have a friend who argues and discusses with me nearly every night online. its such a refreshing change from me and michael trying to be civil during one of jason and ross's arguements.

speaking of michael, he sent me some video clip on the puter of anime meets TMBG, ill have to DL that once i finish this.

::closes her eyes and smiles:: im actually feeling pretty good. im nearing overscheduled and hectic but im not stuck and barely treading water like i felt i was last year or even a few months ago. but every time i think about college applications i get that feeling again. i just really want to get into princeton. i already talk like im a student there.

willard the wizard