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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-10-27 22:41:08

today i tutored after school for nearly two hours. it was more fun than i thought it could possibly be. it just made me feel so good to see how much i helped her and that she was still smiling. i really cant describe it. i guess its kind of like the good feeling i get after a PAL leader meeting or when i receive a badly needed hug. btw, i had my PAL group today too. it went really well! well, besides me making a fool of myself. i really have good premonitions for this group.

i watched a tractor trailor make a u turn in an intersection today. my dad and i applauded after he completed the turn. that must be one hell of a driver to maneuver the truck like that.

you know what? im pretty content with my social life right now. most of my thoughts on this aspect pertain to the fact that this will be my first free friday night in weeks and i wouldnt mind having a date. but i know that wont happen. when i step back and take a look at the candidates, im happy with my current relationships with all of them. theres no one i really want to go out with, but i think longing for a date now and then isnt a problem. im good friends with a lot of the guys and thats how i like it. but ESPECIALLY after last year, im just not interested in the hassle of a high school boyfriend. should i always sit next to him? will he feel insulted if i dont? does he even notice these stupid little pieces of protocal?

the only perks i can think of now are things like a guaranteed ride home when you miss the bus, a guaranteed weekend life, a guaranteed person to talk to.

i dont need to say a guaranteed hug because i can always get one from chris, all i need to say is "shhhh"

anyway, those are all the wrong reasons to have a boyfriend, no? so ive got all i need right now.

and if i need a dance partner, theres always brenda!