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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-10-27 00:27:02

im on a braiding frenzy. i just want to braid my hair. this morning i parted all of my hair down the middle and made two french pigtails and twisted them together at the end. it makes my fingers and my arms ache, but it still makes me feel good to braid my hair.

i was insulted this morning. remember that song i was discussing before? when we played it the whole way through this time, i nearly cried i thought it was so beautiful. (btw way, the title is "song without words 'ill love my love'") so at lunch, i though id try to discuss it with the trumpet player next to me. i asked him if by any chance he heard the part the clarinets play after letter a, since i know hes concentrating so hard on his solo

you wanna know what his response was?

"no, thank god"

he assumed that we were playing the melody wiht the flutes and since that overlaps his solo, was therefore unimportant. i was very hurt. especially since we dont play the melody at all there. then when i tried to explain what i thought about the eighth notes sounding like murmurs, they made motions at me like im crazy.

its all laurents fault, hes the instigator of all this teasing towards me.

rich acknowledges my status as an established member of their dinner crew. ive only been eating with them for a number of weeks now. but still tony just leaves it open for whomever, making me feel awkward as i squeak our "do you mind if i come along?"


i shouldnt write about things that upset me right before bedtime. ill have to go read my new madeleine l'engle book now.