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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-11-07 00:48:17

i hate TOB. tonight was going so great. as kate said, the fates were on our side.

then the words came . . . 7th place, shamrocks. we were beat by hershey. the ones we beat at m-burg.

but lo! talking to a usually cynical friend has made me feel better. "and then u start thinking that youre playing just for competitions and then the whole concept is wrong"

so enough of that!

i took the SAT II for math level 2 again this morning. i really think i did well. there were a lot of questions on trigonometry and exponential functions that i would have been able to answer last year that i couldnt remember now. but since ive been in calculus, i understand functions better and could answer more of those questions. i was surprised at how little people were there. there were only 7 in my classroom and only 2 people were helping at the registration table.

i have to work tomorrow. then i have girls ensemble, PALs and county chorus monday evening. things wont settle down after band for a number of weeks. i want to get a group of people together to go to color me mine after school one day, that seems like a really good idea for christmas.

i might get to see christa soon, too.