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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-05-04 22:33:15

no longer ignorant, i have heard the thong song. ::claps her hands to the sides of her head:: oh my virgin ears! yeeeeaaaaah, right.

how did i manage this? well, i was at a restaurant for a committee meeting with another senior and some juniors. the waiter was flirting with us shamelessly, and then the thong song came on the huge tv across the room. i remarked that i had never heard that song before and they all gawked at me. "i listen to NPR" i explained. "whats that?" ummmmm, national public radio . . . they play lots of classical music? so on the ride back to school they had me listen to the thong song on the car's cd player. at least i know what all the fuss is about now.

the combination of ridiculous time limits and web restrictions has completely thwarted me from checking my email. im not happy about this.