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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-01-01 23:45:13

im actually going to be going to bed after i finish this. really i am! no more staying up til the wee hours for me. im sick of falling asleep in calculus. i read in readers digest about the perils of sleep deprivation. from now on im going to try to get 8 hours of sleep in a night!

but it said that teenagers may need 10 hours. damn't! i dont have ten hours in a day to devote to sleep. la, maybe it can be my new years resolution. Get More Sleep!

one of my friends was asking me if i have a new years resolution. i told her i was having trouble coming up with one because ive been feeling so unmotivated. this morning, first morning of the new year, i was too unmotivated to get out of bed. but she has a resolution, she told me it is to adopt a wild life. funny, when i read that i thought she said to adopt some wildlife. that would be awesome. save the environment!

i cant wait to get back to school. the routine keeps me so much more focused.

i cant believe i just wrote that, when school started it was the last place i ever wanted to be.