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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-01-02 23:32:38

wow! what a rather fulfulling day. its amazing how much better i feel about myself when i get things done! not that i dont still have a huge list of things to do, i have a long long list of things that need to get done just between before school and during homeroom tomorrow. but i went to mass today, went to work, took a shower, ate lunch/dinner, tony visited, previewed prom dresses with christa, and got a lot done on my college applications.

tony had invited me to his place for new years eve, and i felt badly that i never really responded to him. but as it turns out, he never really had the party. he spent new years in the hospital. he and some of his friends got in a car accident, i cant even begin to explain how.

i have to get to bed soon to try to get even 6 hours of sleep and i still need to write two pages in my french notebook.

ive always noticed that my diary entries are a little less in depth when im not depressed.