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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-09-29 00:24:42

i shouldnt be doing this. its against my nature.

a short while ago my mom had me take a personality test. it turned out that im introverted, intuitive, a thinker, and borderline between judging and perceiving. then while we were eating our authentic philadelphia cheesesteaks, hers with onions and mine with hot peppers, she told me that extroverts find it easier to journal for some reason. "journal" is one of the verb-nouns popularized by the self help and therapy demographic. which i am a part of, i guess.

anyway, she also told me that thinkers find it difficult to meditate because their minds keep wandering. i think i rather like the different paths my mind explores whenever i meditate. usually my meditation is accompanied by intense flexibility stretching. i think its really great for things like posture and alertness.

this morning i came into government class "screeching". i was shrilly declaring "dont hit me" to someone who had done just that. then my PAL co leader remarked on the great difference between my screeching and my responsibility in PALs.

i gave the rest of presentation today in lit class. i say the rest because the first time around i stopped to reprimand drew for his disrespectful inattentiveness. i think i spoke very well, it was like speaking for the speech team again, something i love dearly.

public speaking does NOT scare me.