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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-04-23 21:52:48

i dont think im ready for spring.

and by the way, i feel a little better than i did yesterday. so thanks for straightening me out. and overdue thanks, parsley, for making the arvianna gif for this page.

but i dont think im ready for spring. not that i have a choice, it is april. but it sure doesnt feel like spring. i only just realized how close i am to summer vacation. and it doesnt really feel like it at all. and im sure it wont in the next few weeks. i need to take another look at my calendar. what am i going to do this summer? arbys? whitaker center? sit on my butt? id rather just get up each morning and know what i have to do, even if its just get on the bus and go to school. however unstimulating that may be.

gah, i have to buy prom tickets. and i still need to see if that dress fits. and if it doesnt, i have to pray that the other one i fell in love with is still there. what a hassle.

ive been accepted into the honors program at notre dame. i think this could be a really good thing, because theres a chance that the kids in the honors program wont be as rah rah as the rest of the school. but im still not incredibly enthusiastic. i can just imagine myself getting depressed and creeping out my roomate and not getting up in the mornings and walking around like a zombie. and going to class and taking notes and writing papers, but doing all of it in a daze.

but i cant let that happen! thats not what im about! im full of life and intensity! i am, really. i am.