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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-01-05 16:43:57

ah, i have noticed in scanning the recently updated diaries that a close friend of mine has begun a diary here at diaryland . . . i get the idea that she wants to keep it impersonal and prolly private. i know i told her my member name here once but im not sure if she remembers it. so if you know who i am and youre reading this and you know who you are and you dont want me to read your diary, i wont. in any case, welcome to diaryland, my online home for the past three months. now im going to talk about you as though youre not reading this.

county band is coming up in a few months. last year, there was only one clarinet seated ahead of me in band at school. the only reason she sat higher than me was because she was older than me, she wasnt any better of a player than me. and i proved it at every audition we played except one. i continually outranked her by at least two chairs. i dont think she liked me very much for it.

anyway, now im first chair and have a second chair whos a pretty good player. and im determined im not going to hoard solis and stuff against her. in variations on an african hymnsong, it says one player only but i dont mind if we both play, there are only two of us so we can both do it and prolly even sound better for it. what am i concerned about is auditions . . .well be auditioning for the same part in county band. and i know from experience that an underclassman has a lot more free time to rehearse than a senior does. and i know that she has a slight advantage over me in the fact that one of our pieces is selections from les miserables. shes big on shows like that, and is prolly more familiar with the songs.

so what do i do? be sure to practice my ass off. i wont feel bad if i get a higher chair than her because shes and underclassman and has plenty of years ahead of her to get good chairs. and shes good enough to get them too. if she practices and gets a higher chair while i dont practice, i have only myself to blame and her to congratulate. i also swiped a tape from the music room. its a tape of our dioband concert freshman year when we played the same piece that were playing now. i can use it to jog my memory since i never really played the piece well all those years ago.

we got some instrument assignments for jazz band this morning. im playing trumpet! that makes me so excited! i absolutely love brass, in fact, i think its very sexy. and i wont be last trumpet again either, another clarinet player is making the switch to trumpet.

today has been really great overall, a lot of good things have been happening. of the NHS members who filled out the scholarship form, a very good friend from grade school and i have been chosen to be submitted to the national scholarship competition.

i got out my recorder today, im going to have the urge to do that now every time i hear doxology, i wont be content just to listen to it. ill feel the need to play harmony too.

i have to go to my therapist tonight. just take a look at my past entries. last week was when i could have used her, i was at my dads and quite down. you can tell by the length of the entry! ::haha:: but as soon as i came back sunday night, i started to pick up. but oh well. ill find something to say for 45 minutes.