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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-10-18 23:05:14

congratulate me. i actually got my homework done tonight, including practicing clarinet for wednesdays assignment. i also cleaned up after dinner and packed a lunch for tomorrow, not to mention three loads of laundry. this is amazing. maybe things are turning around for me, at least for a while. i better enjoy it while it lasts. im thinking right now i should get ready for bed, practice saxophone, i doubt id have time to practice more clarinet. perhaps ill even get up early enough tomorrow to participate in crazy hair day for spirit week.

but when things are going this well i dont have nearly as many interesting things to write about. it seems pretty mundane if you ask me. damn i need a social life. lately it seems like people cant decide if they love me or hate me.

maybe i should just go paint my nails or something.