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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-10-21 00:00:13

yesterday we had a firedrill. normally not a problem. except that the bell rang between lunches so no one had an assigned place to go. but thats nothing. on top of that, i was in the PAL room with my PAL children. so beth and i were taking the role of big important moderators feeling full responsibility for our charges. prolly more so than the teachers, since they knew we were having a drill and i didnt.

even if i hadnt been in PALs, the drill would have been interesting. turns out my lunch table had been chosen by hud to be the "dead" kids, the ones who had disappeared in whatever tragedy befell the school. they just sat in his office to throw off the teachers when they called roll and test to see if theyd really come up missing.

wanna hear a really neat quip on my part? a while ago some friends and i were sitting in a restaurant booth. someone across the table, with whom i am not the very best of friends, was giving me a weird look. when i asked about it he said he was "admiring me from afar." i quipped, "go further." pretty cool, dont you think?

today the hamster dance has been revived.

i went to see the one act play tonight, Nobody Heard Me Cry. the main character was played by a good friend of mine. hes usually a joker but his character is just the opposite. he did so well, and im so proud of him. i just wish the rest of the cast could do as well. do as well as him and another good friend of mine who plays the father.

unlike my last entry, i didnt get my homework done tonight.