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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-10-18 01:47:22

sometimes i just get the urge to dress up. in black, well, more black than usual. sometimes it lasts a whole week and i end up wearing the same black sweater to school 4 days in a row. sometimes it just lasts long enough for me to paint a full crow on my face and wash it off when i hear my moms car in the driveway. but now and then, i actually have an excuse to all out be just plain gothic.

like friday nights halloween party. i was easily recognizable as the catholic schoolgirl from hell. whenever i described my outfit to those not attending the party, they guys were nearly begging for a photo (ok, im stretching that just a bit). and everyone who took a picture said i had the scowl just right.

what did i wear? why my old good shepherd uniform of course. with the skirt rolled four times and the shirt open to show a little gray tank top. knee socks with doc marten boots. spiked dog collar, safety pin necklace, y-necklace, and mood-ankh pendant with peace sign. my makeup -- now that was the best. i liked it so much i want to wear it like that all the time now. i did it just like death, from the comic books. and i was quite artful with the silver eyeshadow if i do say so myself.

oh how i love to dress up. lots of times i get the urge to dress up at night, so i wear black leggings and a smashing pumpkins shirt to bed. ryan says its sacrilege to sleep in an SP shirt, i say its reverence. but hes done it too, hes really one to speak. i do miss him, despite how my harem here thrives. and thrive it does!