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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-02-03 22:24:21

TrumpetJzz: Oh my God, you know sometimes you are pretty slick

EJMankh518: gah, what?

TrumpetJzz: Sad as a gypsy serenading the moon. Genius.

EJMankh518: i didnt come up with that. you know who did?

TrumpetJzz: Yeah, thats why Im saying youre very slick sometimes. Im just listening to the song now and just picked up on it

EJMankh518: ::beams proudly::

TrumpetJzz: Unbelievable. Sometimes I dont give you enough credit

EJMankh518: is this right? am i really reading these words from tony?

TrumpetJzz: Yes you are. Very nice job

EJMankh518: thanks, im tickled pink

TrumpetJzz: I'll tell you what had I been picking words for a phrase that would be a great pick. Wonderful.

EJMankh518: that was playing in the kitchen at my dads house and the phrase just stukc in my head. nothing else did, just those words. they just really struck me.

TrumpetJzz: Thats interesting cause i would have never eeven heard those words had it not been for your phrase

EJMankh518: what are you listening to that you found it?

TrumpetJzz: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

another reason to love february. the blessing of the throats on the feast day of saint blaise.