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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-10-01 00:02:34

. . . CONTINUED . . .

i said sure mom, it makes me feel better to know it wasnt something i did that turned the kids off, it was simply who i am intrinsically. it was simple statistics that i should be lonely and spend entire days without talking, my nose buried in a beloved copy of Wuthering Heights during every lunch hour. in class of 32 you know, only 4 will be intuitive thinkers. and of those four, only one will be introverted. TADA! c'est moi! i fulfill the stinking quota!

but anyway . . .

i got my senior portraits back. i look terrible. i got my marching band photos back. i look terrible. my saxophone is unbearably sharp. i narrowly escaped getting a detention today, for the third time in my high school career. ah, how i love being a "good girl." they really let you get away with murder. we had a fire drill too.

scratch an intuitive thinker, find a scientist.

an intuitive thinker lives constantly with self doubt.

no really?