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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


22 October 2005 20:32

yesterday something happened that absolutely broke my heart. one of my students received some bad news from a family member near the end of the day and just started crying. whatever news it was, i knew it had to be a big deal. this wasnt a someone stole my cookie problem. and seeing this student so hurt just overwhelmed me and broke my heart. i knew i couldnt fix whatever happened, i knew i wasnt the one hed prolly confide in, and i knew that no matter what i did or said he wasnt going to stop crying soon. so i did the only thing i could do that he needed right then, which was to protect him and give him his privacy. to stand between him and any older students who might make fun of him for crying. to keep an eye out and make sure he got to basketball practice safely. it was such a relief when one of the younger students said something to him to make him laugh a little.

and thats when i realized how much i really do love these students.