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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


29 October 2005 09:31

the most terrifying part of my dream last night was involving jaguars. there was a room full of young college age students and jaguars were coming into the room and there was no where people could go to be safe from a horrible death by mauling. so i was trying to prepare some people by telling them how to defend themselves from a big cat, basically dont make them think youll be easy prey, fight back, etc. but when i came back to see how those people were doing, they had gone up to the jaguars cause they thought they were so pretty and they wanted to sit with them. they wanted to be friends with them. so when the jaguars started biting the back of their neck and killing them, they didnt want to fight back cause they wanted the jaguars to like them. so they laid there and did nothing as the jaguar killed them.