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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


02 October 2004 19:46

i feel like this past week went by so quickly. it seems like it was only yesterday that i was hiking in colorado, but its been almost an entire week. i dunno if it was all the fiesta preparations or what. but theyve taken down my classroom for the fiesta. my class is homeless. boohoo.

i feel like this whole month went by so quickly. that it was only a month ago that i was sitting here in the tv room completely rooted to the couch. then there was go jii ya, and the weekend i slept all day saturday, and sleeping in and almost being late for school, and more recently, waking up ridiculously early.

i think it was 11:30 or so when i went to bed last night, but i woke up at 4, again at 6, and after 8 i woke up every fifteen minutes. even though my alarm was set for 9:30, i ended up getting out of bed at nine cause i just wasnt tired anymore. but i got to enjoy those wonderfully luxurious minutes in bed when youre not awake enough to get up yet, but awake enough to enjoy the feeling of still being in bed. yummm.

such is life in lumberton. i learned how to say lumberton in the jicarilla apache language, but i dont know how to spell it on an english keyboard. im really loving the simple life, where a trip to the grocery store is a social event. where you see a students father in the parking lot and he gives you a hug. and starting to get a feel for the dynamics of the town, where being white puts you in the readily identifiable minority.

but right now im just geeking out, sitting here in front of the tv with my laptop, watching the scifi channel, and reading dune during commercial breaks.