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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


09 October 2004 09:39

Yesterday during the teachers' inservice, Jenny came up with a disney princess for each of the teachers, and a good extensive reason why we fit with that disney princess.

For me, she chose Ariel, from the little mermaid. because Ariel doesnt care what the world thinks about her, or what hey family wants for her, she has her own dreams and shell defy everyone else to follow her own dreams and explore.

inside my head: wow, do i really still come across as that rebellious? i know i was intentionally rebellious through high school and most of college, but now? apparently, yes.

and naturally, i starting thinking back here to my entry from a while ago, about what i felt my role was within the community of teachers. and i kind of thought of it this way: defying society to follow my own dream preserves my own neutrality within the community. they can see that im not siding with one, or following another, im just doing what i feel i need to do. and because of that, i have an impartiality which allows me to be that stable, independent base for the rest of the group. kind of an independence without flakiness thing.