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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


04 September 2004

mmmm. its been a good day. uncharacteristically rainy for new mexico, so that gave me an excuse to stay in all day, like my body was begging me to do. the first day of my period is never a good day to be out and about for me. so instead ive set up office here on the coffee table in the tv room of the convent. so far today ive watched moulin rouge, the animated disney version of robin hood, the deleted scenes from pirates of the caribbean, and right now im watching the english patient. which is even better than i remember when i saw it in theatres.

i also took a break this afternoon for jenny's pretty princess birthday party! happy birthday, jen.

but its been a good day overall, to listen to my body and stay on the couch, and to get through all of my beginning of the month computer maintenance and snail mail correspondence.

on a side note....everyone else talks about how much free time they had in college. and how they have to work so much harder now than they ever did in college. and i remember days scheduled from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, straight through, and friday nights in the library. i remember working myself sick, and i remember working myself insane. and i remember considering myself lazy. but compared to some of the other girls, i worked three times as hard. whats up with that?