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care? leave a note


A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


03 September 2004 19:14

wow. so i dunno if it was the recent full moon or what, but yesterday my kids, or at least one in particular, went absolutely beserk. one of the smarter girls was getting bored having to wait around for the others to finish copying their spelling sentences, so she and another girl started passing notes. right under my nose. when i confronted them, this was their reasoning. A, i shouldnt care because it wasnt about me. B, it was a private note. and C, they had to pass notes because i wasnt letting them talk.

sheesh. save that stuff for college, when you're out of my hair, ok? so i confiscated the note, then i confiscated the scissors she was playing with instead of doing her work. but she decided she was going to get up and take her scissors back from me. that earned her the first visit to the principal's office for the day.

later that afternoon, i was trying to get everyone to quiet down for silent reading time. but the same girl refused. i gave her a warning and then her name on the board, then two checks, one action for each time she talked when she wasnt sposed to. then i told her, the next check sends you to the office and i dont think you want to go there again today. but she decided she had to argue with me over that, and got another check mark. so she stormed out of the classroom, overturned her chair, grabbed her cell phone (which she isnt sposed to have in school) and called her grandmother to pick her up. twenty minutes later, she has a dismissal pass because she was "ill". yeah right. i checked with the principal to see if they ever actually spoke, and they didnt. so that earned her a detention for this afternoon. heh. even her grandmother agrees that she has a problem listening to authority figures, and realizing that some people are in a role to tell her what to do, and she needs to listen to them.

on the plus side, shes really smart. and i could have a lot of fun teaching her pre algebra, if she lets me.

today was much better. no major problems, even from yesterdays drama queen. if i had my way, id be walking outside right now but its storming. so instead were inside watching many many sex and the city episodes and finding nemo. yay for the weekend.