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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


10 August 2004 19:39

ok so school starts tomorrow. and i have a zit on my chin. really now! whos the teacher and whos the seventh grader around here?

im trying not to think about the little things i still have to work out for tomorrow. i think i still have to make copies of stuff and stuff junk. ah.

today we went to ghost ranch. it was so gorgeous. in a weird way. because i was talking to mary the art teacher and she commented that new mexico is like a third world country in some ways. ghost ranch represents the rich and priveleged, a small percentage of the land which is green and well watered and has sprinklers on all the time to keep the grass pretty. then theres lumberton, where most people are poor and sprinklers or grass simply do not happen.

but anyway. we went hiking. and i took pictures. and we did a little meditating. and we all got st. francis medals that we're sposed to wear to represent that we are a sort of impromptu religious order/community.

and tonight im going to go out and walk barefoot in the newly spread soft squishy sand on the playground. its gonna feel like heaven.