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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


11 August 2004 23:09

today was my first day of school. as a teacher.

and damn, am i glad thats over with!

but really, my kids are great. i love them already. theyre all so smart, not one of them is stupid or obnoxious (yet) and i think theyre excited to have a teacher who finally treats them like almost-adults. im convinced that all of their previous teachers have treated them a little too young because theyve been combined with the year lower than them for so long.

i stumbled a few times in my schedule for the day, but thank god for the surprise mass this morning, because i would have been up a creek without something to fill up that extra hour. yay mass.

im convinced tomorrow will go even better. today i taught them to play set, and tomorrow were going to make tangrams. i really should go make a more detailed lesson plan though ::smirks::