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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


17 June 2004 22:31

i find it really odd that the week my period starts is the best week ive had in a long time.

im feeling rhythms and harmonies a lot more and a lot better recently. i feel resonant, like im pitched into some resonant frequency of the world around me again. as though i was literally out of tune, or out of phase with the hum at which the world operates. or at least at which i normally operate.

i smell things a lot more lately too. noticing differences in air, where its still and stale, where theres a breeze or a draft, and the different scents traveling on those breezes.

reordering my life with rhythms, the rhythms of my body when it gets hungry, thirsty, tired, awake, etc. im resonating again, im resonating again!