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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


30 May 2004 19:19

my mom was cleaning out her room and she found a typed copy of my admissions essay i sent to notre dame. i remembered that i had written it about the movie smoke signals, but i didnt remember much more about it. on rereading it, i remembered why it was such a good essay. possibly the best college admissions essay i could have written. not only was it about my perspective on the movie smoke signals, but the way my reaction to it changed after the effects of the kairos experience. the ways my understanding changed.

but what impressed me most, was the synthesis it exhibited. the same potential as a "thinker, synthesizer, and artist" that james commented on in his comments on my final poetry project. ive mentioned before in my various online journals that i love doing synthesis, and finding connections between things that were previously unrelated. and i think thats my strength, i think thats What I Do. i think that as my poetry develops, i could play up the aspect of synthesis in it. observation, spatial relations, logic, my strengths in these can all fall under the task of synthesis.

i feel like i can think again. for months, i havent been able to think well. except when i was writing my poetry, and i would get so lost, so involved in it that i couldnt come out of it enough to speak to people. i feel like i can think again.