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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


29 May 2004 10:54

i dont know whats going on with my head. i woke up this morning with a headache (well, i went to sleep last night with a headache too), and it kinda felt like a tension headache, like i wasnt relaxing my body at all while i slept. maybe that comes from all the boxes and shit encroaching on my 3x5 sleeping space on the floor. and my dream last night was about a basketball tournament and cleaning out my closet. weird.

i still have a headache, after ibuprofen, coffee, and a chocolate donut. healthy, i know. but i also went out to the store and bought craisins, almonds, and spring mix to go with my balsamic vinaigrette, so i can have my salads again. no strawberries this time cause all the strawberries in the store looked quite dodgey.

its a beautiful day outside today. did i just say that? hell yeah i did.

so im gonna spend it inside trying to clean out my closet, then hopefully to artsfest tonight with kate. whee!