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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


01 June 2004 10:52

my dreams don't seem to be getting any better.

two nights ago, i dreamt that someone took all of the skin off my face. this morning i woke up remembering a dream about giving blowjobs for money. then i remembered naked mutilated bodies and a psychotic killer who was my brother or something, and likely to kill me as well.

what. is going on. in my head?

its like back in january (was it january? february?) when every night i had another dream of death and destruction. though i dont remember so many of those dreams having to do with MY death and/or destruction as they do now. the dreams stopped last winter once i got more confident about driving in the snow. do i need to point out that theres no snow now?

while cleaning out the yellow bedroom i found some ritual candles my sister gave me when i was in high school. one yellow one for changes. one purple one for goddess energy. and one pink one for love. im using the changes one now, for the many changes going on inside and around me. it has a nice citrus smell. mmmm. my mom thinks im going to burn the house down.