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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


07 May 2004 17:34

i had to admit defeat today and it sucked. i am utterly crushed in the shadow of the chinese ways of thought final. i barely even rose to meet it in battle, i just crumbled.

and i'd like to say that this is one of those lost the battle -- won the war (ie, college) kinda things, but it sure doesnt feel like it when you lose the very last battle. sure makes it hard to call it a decisive victory.

to make matters worse, dr jensen was there when i handed it in, thats right, i handed it to him, face to face. and he said something like liz, you had some really bright moments in this class. luckily someone else came and i could duck out in a quick exit before he looked at it too closely. and then i cried.

from there i went to the health center, where i had a followup checkup about the lexapro. told her that i saw no improvement. im now taking fifteen mg/day instead of ten, and if that doesnt work, well bump it up to twenty. and if that doesnt work, then it might be time to try another medication. maybe an oral contraceptive, cause im really wary of the other antidepressants if this one is sposed to have the mildest side effects.

i wish i could be happy that im done with college, but im really not. because i cant say im all that proud of the work ive done.