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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


18 April 2004 09:07

this is going to be the telling week for the lexapro. if its even taken effect yet. the side effects have indeed worn off, but the literature says it can take 1 to 3 week to become effective against depression, and 4 to 6 weeks in some cases.

i stayed in my apartment all day yesterday until zodda suggested we go see kill bill. i prolly would have stayed in all day if that hadnt happened. its very sunny out right now, and the sun feels very alien to my eyes. so does the heat feel to my body. very little about the world feels all that comfortable to me anymore. why? arent i exaggerating, anyway?

self invention ala post individual, galactic butterfly style. am i emerging from a cocoon? we had portrayed the butterfly emerging as triumphant, but wouldnt she be as fearful of her wings as anything else? until she learns to use them.

i dont feel like i have wings. but i want them.