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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


06 April 2004 21:43

ok, so there is a desire for details. at least according to KT. im sorry i underestimated my readers interest in my activities.

i had just assumed no one cared. but of course, who am i really writing for, you or me? hm?

toga. the scariest part of the evening was the fact that my van was designated shuttle for the party, and one of the sophomores was the dd for it. the fishing pole rack was broken during the course of the night, someone apparently threw up out the passenger side door, and theres a random pair of pants left over back there. the toga itself was wicked cool. i wore my pale purple sheet with my royal purple sarong again. i cant wait to get the pictures developed. one was taken just as zodda was taking candy off my necklace and managing to bite some of the skin on my neck too. its tuesday night and i STILL have a mark there. it really hurt. other notable events were the intentional/unintentional drunken disrobings performed by cogill and breed. heeee! apparently its really hard to walk and keep your toga on at the same time when youre drunk.

i dont even know where to start with describing the wake. i met so many cool people, as i said before. they all made it such a great night. im just glad it lived up to my expectations, because ive been wanting to go to wake since freshman year when a bunch of my friends went with their friends in alumni. and ill admit, i was kinda worried whether or not it would be any good any more since the rules have changed so much. but it rocked nevertheless. perhaps the best line of the night ... well, maybe a tie for that category. its either sherm's response of 'wow, that was hot' when i licked the wine bottle, or the assistant rector's 'i don't know what that is' when i walked through the halls with my plastic cup of wine.

unforunately, niether line is really that funny on its own without the situational context.

what a fun weekend!