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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


05 April 2004 12:10

all you poor arvianna reader are going to get a laundry list of my lex side effects for the next while or so, just cause its a good thing for me to keep track of.

my pupils are sometimes dilated, i fidget a hell of a lot more than i ever did before, im yawning constantly, i didnt sleep well last night, and every time i woke up during the night i was grinding my teeth. i really hope that all of these fade in the next week or so like theyre sposed to. oh, and the nausea. but that could also be from the tetracycline, still.

i read a lot of online journals. and a lot of them follow a pattern of minimal updating during the week, and then a huge update on sunday night outlining everything wild and crazy and stereotypically "college life" they did during their weekend, starting on thursday or friday night.

im so tempted to do that now. cause my weekend was so damn awesome. but i know how boring those entries are to read.

I guess i can sum it up this way -- Wake: so many cool people! Toga: so many exposed penises!

heh. if you really want the boring details, you can go ahead and ask me. i'm also amused at how i can show concern and blatant disregard for my reader in the same entry.