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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


01 April 2004 02:02

i feel like its too early to say anything about how the lexapros going. i was up so late last night working on my poem that its hard to know if any dizziness was from the drug or the lack of sleep. i did nap for four hours this afternoon, and then had a nasty headached until i started working on qmech.

which i actually did a decent bit of. two problems not quite finished, but theyre all started and the majority of them are done. in fact, that means that the majority of my work for the week is done. sweet. time to catch up on reading and work on my magnetism experiment. and service proj apps, and larval enclosures, etc etc. even when i dont have anything immediately due, theres plenty to work on.

i had something else to say but its late, i have class tomorrow. my thoughts escape me.