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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


23 March 2004 23:31

Dear Honor Program Thesis Panel:

Please excuse Elizabeth and her lateness in putting together her thesis, "Quest for Quantum Wires." She had PMS this week and spent the better part of the evening crying about how stupid she feels.



Yeah, so if anyone actually placed bets on when i was gonna break down this week and guessed Tuesday during my physics lab talk, you get a prize. you get, ... um ... a spider plant. yeah. mine's about to have babies, or so my sister said when she gave it to me.

in other news, i was charged by a canada goose today. it got all up in my face, honking at me, and not letting me pass. what's more is that I WAS DRIVING A CAR when the goose charged me. other cars were beeping, driving around me, and acting annoyed at my lack of forward motion, but goodness, i had a goose taking me on over my front bumper! what was i s'posed to do, besides hit the goose?

still thinking about making connections over broad areas of knowledge or disciplines of study, and wishing i had more time to devote to poetry, philosophy, and physics, each in turn and together. but as it is, i do a half assed job in each because i need to move on to some assignment in another. and in the process, feel like im disappointing professors all around because they want me to be as devoted to what they do as they are. but im not. i wanna do it all.