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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


25 March 2004 00:13

i have my van back. yayyyy!

i did my qmech hw. yayyyy!

i am going to the ncaa hockey game. yayyyy!

i have one more day to finish my thesis. boooo!

i woke up this morning still teary eyed and depressed. the kinda depressed where youre not really tired, but you cant think of any better, more worthwhile way to spend your time except back in bed. so even though i got up at eight, two hours before i needed to leave for campus, i laid in bed staring at the wall instead of doing, oh, yoga, perhaps?

which really would have done me a lot of good, because today seems to be the day in my pms cycle when im best at physical activities. all morning i just wanted to do stuff with my hands, and luckily i was able to go to the bio lab and spin out a larval enclosure at the sewing machine before going to brass ensemble, where i played better on trumpet than i have all year.

so things are falling back into place. im recovering. im still mad at my body and myself for getting so psycho, but whatever. better luck next time. the week will be over soon and ill be in grand rapids michigan for a hockey game!

i never thought id leave college with an appreciation for hockey, but it appears that i will.