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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


23 March 2004 00:41

i remember when six hours of sleep used to seem like luxury, back in sophomore year when i would stay up for the better part of most nights working on math or physics or programming. now six hours seems like torture, im so used to getting more.

i feel like this week especially is a test of my poise and grace. will i make it through this week without breaking down crying and/or falling on my face? who knows? shall we place bets on which will happen and when?

or will i pull it all off, manage my time, and generally otherwise prove my brilliance?

theres a new community on orkut devoted to the topic of mysticism. one of the posts suggested an interpretation of deja vu as being not necessarily an actual and realistic dream prediction of the future, but as a sign that ones pattern recognition skills are working well on some other level. synchronicities as a sign that one is living with the flow, on a vibe, in the groove.

i like that idea of synchronicities and deja vu as a sign that the mind is active and making subtle connections, perhaps with pattern recognition.