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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


21 March 2004 12:11

hum. so. for anyone who might be mildly interested, I've started posting my poetry assignments from class in a xanga account.

entropic ankh

I had a meeting with someone from the Center for Social Concerns on Friday, to help me with this feeling of being overwhelmed and paralyzed by the volume of responses to my profile in the catholic network of volunteer services. we decided that since the st francis school in lumberton new mexico stood out to me so much from all of the other organizations that contacted me, that it was a pretty good indicator of what other programs i would be interested in. so now im pretty certain that im just going to apply to a few indian school in south dakota as well as the st francis school in new mexico. now all i have to do is get in gear and do it.

among all the other things that need to get done this week, like poetry assignments, honors thesis, and building 100 larval enclosures, all by march 30. ::sighs::

ive been sighing a lot in here lately. i think it means ive kind of resigned myself to the work that i need to do, theres no use in despairing over it, ill get it done somehow. im not incapable of it, im not a failure. yay.

but ive spent enough time already fiddling about with this and my xanga account. onward.

cause it really is onward. forward moving. not stagnant. and that feels great.