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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


21 January 2004 12:24

note: i didnt actually see or hear president bush deliver his state of the union address. i just read the article about it in the new york times today. but still, there are two things i want to say to president bush.

first, gay marriage is not going to make or break the sanctity of marriage in the united states. there is NO reason to amend the constitution to prohibit gay marriage. if you ask me, or any other child of divorce in this country, and there are so many, the sanctity of marriage has been on the decline for decades. im not even going to start on britney spears.

second, your use of rhetoric has made me completely numb to any potentially frightening statement you make. i have no idea what to believe about the susceptibility of the US to terrorist attacks because I know that it is in your personal interest during an election year to scare everyone into believing we are about to be attacked. you have so polarized everything in your holy war, that you have completely lost me and my support for either side of it. the only sensible option seems to be to not form an opinion, since i have NO facts whatsoever, only empty empty words and rhetoric to go on. or perhaps there are facts, but im so inured to your rhetoric i cant distinguish them?
