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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


20 January 2004 22:26

QMII: this class may make or break my self confidence this semester. CHI: reading inventories? wtf? LUNCH: yay gardenburgers. LAB: i somehow decided that im going to do an experiment this semester on xray diffraction. OTHER LAB: i planted 72 acorns today. go me. YOGA: wow. she doesnt explain postures, she just calls them out like someone would call out moves in square dancing. which is fine with me. LECTURE: not so much a lecture. maybe one of the soap box variety. entertaining. DINNER: pizza!

now i just want to sleep.

last night i tried to write in here and couldnt really come up with anything. then i absentmindedly picked up my paper journal and wrote 3+ pages. mostly about stuff i read on, stuff i easily could have posted here had i thought of it. i feel like im not succeeding in reaching out and giving of myself to people if im subconsciously holding out on you guys, even in here. makes me realize how much i do that to people, i still distance myself.


btw go to

heh. the same song is playing on my computer as was last night when i wrote in here. funky.