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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


19 January 2004 22:49

i was really looking forward to playing in more dirt today but it sadly got postponed until tomorrow.

i played clarinet for the first time in forever tonight and i realized that i dont remember the fingerings for most of the high notes. must remedy that soon.

yoga tomorrow. yay. i really dont want this entry to become a reproduction of my planner, so let me get the other items on my schedule out of the way. QMII. sherman alexie. buy tickets for les femmes savantes and the student film festival. ok, i think thats it.

my dreams last night still featured some death and violence but not to the same degree as the three previous times i had tried to sleep. lets hope this trend of decreasing violence continues, hm?

my face looks even worse now that ive started retin a again cause its all red and irritated and flaking.

im on another folk song revival. feel free to give me either pete seeger live at carnegie hall or the weavers live at carnegie hall. i believe both are double cd sets. oh, and also the essential simon and garfunkel. these would be much appreciated.