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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


06 January 2004 00:23


im smiling.

im not even really sure why. but it feels good. and it feels like its something i havent done in a long while

this morning i felt like i woke up from a bad dream that had lasted two weeks. my mom went back to work today for the first time in two weeks. for the first time, i came downstairs and the tv wasnt on. i starting blaring radiohead and running through the house. i read. i wrote. i rummaged through the yellow room looking for stationary (now that i write this i remember where it was, in the pink room) but finding none, instead finding books i wanted to read and a box of pictures and souvenirs from freshman year. basically everything i had up on my walls that year. how different i was. how little, and yet how much, i knew about myself. hum. anyway.

i made mint coffee this morning. and drank way too much. i got my car fixed. i jumped up and down and danced. and danced and danced and danced. and read and thought. and oh, im smiling.
