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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


05 December 2003 02:07

more random shit.

in an email from my dad, talking about my nine year old neice, sarah. "Was talking to Sarah about her adult relatives (aunts). You have an image problem; she did not consider you to be an adult relative. Unable to convince her otherwise."

apparently my dad considers me an adult child. if i have my own apartment, i guess i might be.

im getting sentimental over you. i blame it on my period. sentimental is not something i generally do.

i may or may not have been mistaken for a guy today. not quite sure. but i guess thats what happens when you wear yamaha hats, army jackets, and baggy pants.

i could be done with finals by the twelfth. ill be sticking around here to see return of the king, cause no one at home is really as fanatical about it as i am. ill prolly be going to chicago sometime between the twelfth and the seventeenth, then. fun fun fun.

ive decided its a bad thing when i start adding up the number of hours per day i spend on any one thing and trying to determine whether or not it was a good use of my time, and using that to determine how worthless/useful i am. bad bad idea. but an interesting way to see how i spend my time. i can make pie charts and shit.

too much time spent on quantum mechanics alone this week. lots of good time spent in the eco lab, though.

enough with the random shit. i think im done now.