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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


08 December 2003 01:31

Father Pedro Arrupe, a famous Jesuit had this to say of sacred music:

"More than the preacher's word, it is the musician's touch that is bringing the young to God again...Heart speaks to heart in mysterious ways, and it is the artist who holds the key to the mystery. His is the catechesis not of word, but of tone and stone. He can touch the wellsprings of the human heart and release energies of the soul that the rest of the world does not suspect."

all i can really say is that i am so very proud of the st edwards hall choir. we only come together for two hours every week and yet we work hard and manage to produce such beautiful music! theres so much talent and dedication to the music in our small group. and its such a great opportunity for someone like myself, who isnt quite good enough for one of the "real" choirs and also has too much of a time commitment in band to be really serious about singing. but the steds choir is so perfect for me, cause we get together, and have fun, but still work hard and take our musicianship seriously.

and i am just absolutely thrilled when we produce something like we did tonight with "take comfort my people"

music in liturgy is really important to me. i feel music is important in any human ritual, whether its mass or a football game. and i love being able to contribute and help create a special atmosphere in the chapel at st eds mass.

thinking about: happiness, acceptance, ignorance, loss, and scars. scars as in how evil can never be wholly undone, theres always some degree of a loss of innocence. wrapped up in questions of time and modern knowledge. somewhat prompted by our lotr discussion. hum.