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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


04 December 2003 00:43

random shit.

got my lotr paper back today. i focused on water as one of the four elements in the animist universe of middle earth. response from prof: i find your topic fascinating b/c 17th century poets repeatedly turn to the four elements as a part of their alchemical vision . . . fabulous work.

alchemical vision reminds me of what david said to me in london, how he believes all physics and chemistry majors were once alchmemists in a past life. there are resonances.

woke up with a killer headache today. took caffeine and acetaminophen in the form of midol. yum.

convinced bt to skip his class today to go shopping with me. old navy and the st vincent de paul thrift shop. i got a new pair of jeans with the gift card kathy sent me. went down a size? six short, instead of eight short this time. i havent weighed myself in a long time, so i dont know if ive actually lost weight or if its just the nature of stretch jeans to fit in this manner.

ive been extraordinarily image conscious lately. new jeans, new skin care stuff from my mom, im tempted by new hats, sweaters, and shoes too. i want to color my hair (again) and i just realized tonight that it desperately needs to be trimmed. i feel like i want to look put together and polished, but at the same time i know ill turn around and just want to wear big pants and flip flops and tshirts again. like i did all summer long, oh yeah. maybe its a seasonal thing, i have to wear more clothes in the winter so i might as well look nice in them? i dunno. or maybe im actually growing up. gasp.

more later. stay tuned! god, i hated writing that.