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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


24 November 2003 00:10

what a strangely sleepy day. i still feel like i never really woke up. even though i gave a yoga lesson today, i came right back to read comic books and think, and in the course of thinking fall asleep. im just gonna justify it by saying that im still kinda sick. thank god judy sent me antibiotics!

reflections. the siemens westinghouse competition. my kid won. yay. its so strange, cause they really are so very young. playing set and taboo and watching them goof off in the party after the dinner. . .so strange. these kids have a guaranteed acceptance to harvard and mit, pretty much. and i could have been very bitter towards them, since i was rejected from princeton and waitlisted everywhere else, and maybe i could have done research like them in high school? i was working on my stream study all through high school. and these were all quiz bowl type kids, so i amused them by telling them about how i got kicked off the quizbowl team by my eighth grade teacher. but no, i didnt get bitter as missed opportunities in my past, cause it doesnt matter, and everything has turned out fine anyway. instead of being bitter, i was reminded of all the potential i still have to do really remarkable things in my life. theyre certainly not at their peak yet, and just because i wasnt winning research awards at that age doesnt mean i cant reach for goals as high as theirs. its really just up to me.

i drove through a puddle coming up to my apartment tonight. i didnt see the puddle until my van made a big splash. i think bad things happened then, cause i heard the fan for the defroster falter and then i had no power steering. hmm.