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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


21 November 2003 02:24

so much potential today. im almost glad i didnt waste it working on obligations for class, though that thought does nag a bit at the back of the head.

but i just knew, i just knew it this morning when i woke up that today was not a day of fulfilling my conventional obligations, but one of fulfilling my obligations to myself and my friends.

so i skipped quantum to drink coffee and read queerscribe. i had a good long lunch conversation with james and bt. i did have to go to my physics lab, but it was fun and not as long as they made it out to be. i went to dinner and watched invader zim with zodda. i played broomball and gave cogill a giant cookie! i talked and talked with jesse, until we decided upon the need for a friedman/martin manifesto. i did not work in the ecology lab. i did not write my lotr paper.

this morning i felt sensitive and creative and full. full of something, the inertia of which could have compelled me to sit here and read all day, or with a bit of a shove, get up the momentum to do great things. i feel like my potential has been used well.