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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


18 November 2003 00:37

i am astounded by the amount of energy i have today compared to the past few weeks. i feel more and more like this is me, this is how i feel when im feeling like myself, and not as though sick/depressed is the status quo. i want less to be sick/depressed and more to feel as i do now.

and i feel such that as i continue to heal/grow and have more faith in myself, in my potential and what i can achieve (academically, spiritually, and otherwise), i can have more faith in other people as well. because our theory of mind, our guesses at whats in the minds of others, comes from our own minds as we know them. and i feel like mine has been sick for so long. so i would suppose others to be sick as well? but through healing/growing, understanding and overcoming that sickness, findng myself and understand others as well.

knowing yourself before loving another, learning about yourself through loving another.

that strange tangled web of selfishness/selflessness/self-love/love for others. a delicate balance. and this just feels like spinning plates.

theories. hypotheses. fluff.