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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


18 November 2003 23:11

stay in tune with growing things.

with cycles. with change. with time. greet the day. welcome the night. acknowledge the trees as they become some of the most prominent signifiers of the changing seasons.

notice how different the air smells, from day to day and month to month.

notice the gradual transitions between opposites as sharp as day and night. they come so quickly and at the same time, so slowly.

celebrate old holidays as markers of the planet's motion. equinoxes. solstices. (heh. in my head im starting to sound like a jeremy prynne poem.) cycles and changes and processes, large and small. do all of this, and by doing so notice the change in yourself. where you fit into all these. where you end and the world begins, and where you and the world overlap.

too often i feel like we live in sterilized cages, static and frantic, both in denial and recognition of our mortality, removed from the universe of which we are actually an integral part. and it is an integral part of us, as well. we cannot ignore that.