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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


17 November 2003 09:51

wow. my marching band career is finally over. and of course, there are a million and one things i could have done differently, but no matter now. i'm just pleased to know i've left my mark on the trumpet section and the band, as the freshmen showed us on saturday. i want to thank them for showing us how much we've meant to them, cause thats what really made my day.

but now that bands over i can concentrate on getting healthy again. no more standing/sitting outside in damp cold weather. no more trying to play and march while im hacking up a lung.

and now that bands over i can wear my glasses more often and wear bras less often. yesssss.

and now that bands over i can put a lot more time and energy into my work in the ecology lab. that makes me happy.