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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


13 November 2003 01:05

wind and hail and coughing. oh my.

more thoughts on last entry. my intuition tells me control is the wrong way to go about it. why? to control it, i would have to anticipate whats going to happen. and if i anticipate, im not open to whats really going on in my body and in my head. so observation, evaluation, and an open attitude seem to be the way. and a good way to practice that would be to do a bit of yoga in the morning and evening, to center myself, and evaluate whats going on in and around me.

darted today, after some schedule scrambling. there are enough physics electives available that i could take an entirely physics semester, but why would i want to do that in the spring of my senior year? so im taking two physics classes, basically the same as i am this semester, modern lab and quantum mechanics. besides that, im signed up for chinese ways of thought and literary outsiders. but im trying my hardest to get an exemption into a poetry writing class. thats the only class i can say i desperately want to take next semester.

but if that doesnt work out, well, metal sculpture prolly wont fill up, maybe?