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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


06 November 2003 02:18

since ive been updating so regularly i almost feel an obligation to keep it up.

i was looking through things on my desk today and i found the little book laura made for me a while ago. made simply of index cards and pictures from a disney page a day calendar. so much wisdom packed in those pages. so much encouragement. just what i needed to find again these days. two things stand out to me, besides the story of the frogs, which i think about all the time (the unexpected happens!)

one is live with all the passion and intensity in you. i have a choice. i can be the mopey inert girl im always afraid i am. or i can be the intense girl i know i really am.

the other is they are out there. hidden and few, but more valuable and incredible than you could have ever imagined. hidden, meaning i dont even know where theyll pop up. valuable, to be cherished. thats what i need to do.

thanks, laura